



Since my first interest was musicology, this page grew out of my work in that field.

Items here are: links to other musicology pages (some Dutch ones).

And secondly my M.A. thesis: Seventeenth Century Ideas on the Harmony of the Spheres: Robert Fludd, Johannes Kepler, and Athanasius Kircher. University of Utrecht, 1996. (Note: my thesis and the artikels are in Dutch.)


Subjects I am interested in (and may develop further):

* J.A.K. Colizzi’s Dissertatio de Sono. An 18th century booklet on acoustics, by the dutch court musician and amateur-scientist J.A.K. Colizzi.Translation and notes.

* Johannes Scotus Eriugena and the beginnings of Polyphony. A bibliographical study on wheter or not Scotus hints at polyphony in his work De divisio naturae (9th century AD).

* Gaudentius’ Harmonikê eisagogê. A study of or commentary on this 3rd century (AD) Greek treaty on the science of music.


" Rationalis, non Vocalis: Johannes Kepler en de Harmonie der Sferen.", in: Dutch Journal of Music Theory 7/1 (2002): pp. 1-10.
" De mira harmonia planetarum. Athanasius Kirchers opvattingen over de musica mundana.", in: Dutch Journal of Music Theory 5/3 (2000): pp. 178-185



This link points to my Classical History page(s): my once forthcoming Ph.D. on the Greek historian Polybius (2nd century BC) and other material.


The author

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